Ansys Software

Ansys Granta Materials Data for Simulation

Boost Your Simulation Accuracy

Granta Materials Data for Simulation (MDS) offers instant access to a material database of simulation-ready materials models. Save time and eliminate input errors.


Accurate Materials Data. For Accurate Simulation

Curated for users by our material data analysts, Granta MDS provides you with the data you need in the format you need it in. Focused specifically on simulation, get access to a database of over 2,600 simulation-ready Generic and Producer Grade Materials. Directly embedded within your Ansys Flagship Simulation Solvers: Ansys Mechanical, Ansys Electronics Desktop, Ansys Fluent, Ansys Discovery.

Quick Specs

With Granta MDS, get instant access to the materials data you need. Embedded into your Ansys user interface, it allows you to apply it easily across simulations.

Key Features

With up to 2,600 Generic and Producer materials datasheets available, Granta MDS takes simulation to the next level.

  • Trusted data
  • Simulation-ready material models
  • Easy access
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